(P149) To His Royal Highness, King Juan Carlos Your Majesty: I write to Your Majesty with the hope that with this letter I might contribute to Your Majesty’s understanding of the Basque problem. The Basque political prisoners, still incarcerated, are considered by the vast majority of our people to be men who have fought against intolerable oppression exercised by the State, against the identity and dignity of our culture. Ideas of patriotism, dignity, liberty, and justice exist among all people and all languages and in cases of conflict have many different interpretations. I think it is very important that Your Majesty try to see the problem of complete amnesty from a Basque perspective. Errors and violent acts have been committed by both sides during these confrontations, but piece is much more important than past mistakes, and it should not be conditioned by them. Respectfully and cordially, Chillida San Sebastian, 11.05.77 奇利达文集第149页 尊敬的胡安·卡洛斯殿下: 我写这封信的目的是希望促成您对巴斯克问题的理解。我们绝大多数的人们认为,现在还在押的巴斯克政治犯是这样的人——他们曾反抗国家对我们文化的独立和尊严施加的难以忍受的压迫。爱国、尊严、自由、平等的观念存在于所有人和所有语言之中,并且在发生冲突的情况下有许多不同的解释。我想,尊敬的陛下尝试以巴斯克人的角度来考虑特赦问题是很重要的。错误和暴力行为已经被冲突双方铭记于心,但是和平远比过去的错误重要,也不应受到过去错误的影响。 恭敬且富有诚意的 奇利达 圣·塞巴斯蒂安,1977年5月11日